Posted at Sep 3, 2013 10:51 pm in off the grid, reading, social media, Window to My World

Ruedi Reservoir near Aspen
I spent the long holiday weekend “off the grid,” something I haven’t done for a long time. I teased my teenager about how he’d survive a few days unplugged, but honestly I was the one in social media withdrawal. I’m the one hooked on Twitter and Facebook, not to mention review blogs and Publisher’s Marketplace and on and on…
It didn’t hurt that my time was spent in a lovely place outside of Aspen, with gorgeous views and perfect weather. But my hand still twitched for my iPad, ready to tweet or check in “with the world.” The “no service” message caused me to eventually power down all my gadgets. A long hike helped me reconnect…with the natural world, not the virtual one. I made lots of mental notes about my surrounding environment to maybe use in a future book someday.
Best of all, I read. A lot. I read two books, a manuscript from a critique partner, and a stack of manuscript excerpts for a workshop I’m participating in next month. Undistracted by social media, TV, radio, day job or my never-ending to do list, I allowed myself the luxury of disappearing into fictional worlds created by talented world-builders (also known as authors).
Back in civilization, reconnecting with my other worlds was a bit jarring, as it always is after time away. I caught up on email, scanned Twitter and FB, but didn’t overwhelm myself trying to “catch up” on social media, because I think that misses the point of the medium.
I hope to maintain a balance among all my worlds, no matter where I am on the grid. And as long as I have a good book to read, whether it’s hardbound or on my iPad or an audiobook, I’m happy.
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