Posted at Nov 13, 2015 10:41 am
I recently came across a treasure trove of primary source YA material: my teenage journals. These babies are chock full of drama, angst, and a whole lotta unrequited love. In the interests of research, I’ve been reading them, and when I’m not cringing, I’m laughing- a lot.
Here’s hoping a glimpse into one teenager’s hormone-addled brain will brighten your Friday…
This week’s feature is a poem written at age 16. Is it any wonder I ended up a YA romance author? I’ve left it completely unedited for your enjoyment.

My Camelot
I dream of castles and princes
being swept off my feet
silk gowns and adoration
coveted in a tower.
Beautiful gardens occupy my time
beloved throughout the land,
I’m worshipped as a wonder
“kind and sweet and beautiful”
(they say)
Living out my dreams,
my castle is my room house
my prince, a pimpled frog.
I’m swept off my feet only
when I
My tower is my bedroom
a houseplant is my garden.
I’m beloved only by my family
and worshiped only by my unicorn dog.
Love it. Your wry sense of humor comes through. It’s clear you were always destined to be a writer.
Thanks Anna-Maria 🙂
Oh, I love it! I have to say, the writing is pretty good in spots. You definitely followed your talent!
Thanks Denise 🙂